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Prof Dr. Anis Ahmad – Islamic Movement

This lecture is part of Dawah Academy Tarbiyyah Workshop held at International Islamic University, Islamabad.

Professor Dr,. Anis Ahmad is a Pakistani social scientist, an educationist, and professor of Islam. He is recipient of award, by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, awarded fellowship by the University Science Malaysia, also earned meritorious professorship at the International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. As first Vice-President of International Islamic University, Islamabad, he visualised and founded the Da’wah Academy of the I.I.U.I He was the first Dean of the Faculty of Usul al-din and Faculty of Social Sciences of the IIU at Islamabad. He was first Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences of the International Islamic University, Malaysia. He is currently Vice Chancellor Riphah International University Islamabad.