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KMU-IPM&R Hold Comprehensive Exam For PhD Physiotherapy

A comprehensive exam for the Ph.D. in physical therapy was conducted at the Khyber Medical University Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (KMU-IPM&R)

A comprehensive exam for the Ph.D. in physical therapy was conducted at the Khyber Medical University Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (KMU-IPM&R).

According to a press release issued here on Friday, it is worth mentioning that KMU-IPM&R was the first-ever public sector institute offering a Ph.D. in physical therapy.

The examiners for the exam included Prof. Dr. Haider Darain, dean Allied Health Sciences KMU, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kashif Riphah International University Lahore; and Dr. Dildar Muhammad, an associate professor at the Institute of Nursing Sciences at KMU. Dr. Aatik Arsh, who was coordinating this program, was also present at the occasion.

A total of eight Ph.D. scholars who had already qualified for their first two semesters of Ph.D. in physical therapy appeared in the said comprehensive exam.

Title : KMU-IPM&R Hold Comprehensive Exam For PhD Physiotherapy
Author : Associated Press of Pakistan
Type : News
Role Performer : Corporate author
Subject : A comprehensive exam Ph.D in physical therapy KMU
Publisher : Associated Press of Pakistan
Publication Place : Islamabad
Date : 2023-09-08
Language : English