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Importance of print media still a fact of life

The speakers at the seminar on the importance of Media and the Digital world were of the view that despite the rise of the Internet and social media in changing scenarios in the digital world, the importance of print media is still a fact of life.

A seminar on the importance of print media in the digital world was organised by Riphah International University, which was organised by the Media Sciences Department of the University which Bureau Chief Jang Tahir Khalil and renowned Journalist and Anchor Talat Hussain addressed as guest speakers while Dr. Saira Asad, Dr. Kashif Raja, and university students highlighted various aspects of the topic.

Title : Importance of print media still a fact of life
Author : The News
Type : News
Role Performer : Corporate author
Event : Seminar on Digital and Print Media
Organizing Body : Riphah International University
Subject : Seminar on print and digital media
Publisher : The News
Publication Place : Islamabad
Date : 2022-06-18
Language : English