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HEC teams visit universities for performance evaluation

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has successfully concluded evaluation visits of three HEC recognised higher education institutions through Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE) and Postgraduate Programme Review (PGPR).

The universities evaluated by Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), HEC during three days visits included University of Gujrat, University of Lakki Marwat and Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University, Larkana. HEC will conduct evaluation of 15 institutions/universities by June 2021.

IPE is a holistic review of an institution or a university, in which its overall performance is evaluated on the basis of 11 IPE standards, which are Mission Statement and Goals, Planning and Evaluation, Organisation and Governance, Integrity, Faculty, Students, Institutional Resources, Academic Programmes and Curricula, Public Disclosure & Transparency, Assessment and Quality Assurance and Student Support Services.

Likewise, in PGPR, an institution or a university is reviewed to check whether or not it is implementing HEC minimum criteria for launching MS/MPhil and PhD programmes. The purpose of these evaluations is to bring improvement in higher education sector so that ultimate objective of quality could be achieved.

These evaluations are conducted by engaging peers from other universities including vice chancellors/rectors and academia not below Associate Professors as well as Directors of Quality Enhancement Cells (QECs). This endeavour will definitely help to improve the state of quality in higher education institutions.

Title : HEC teams visit universities for performance evaluation
Author : The News
Type : News
Role Performer : Corporate author
Subject : Institutional performance evaluation by HEC
Publisher : The News
Publication Place : Islamabad
Date : 2021-02-24
Language : English