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HEC signs MoU for ICT excellence in universities

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) and a telecom operator`s programme on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to increase the number of training slots for students from 800 per year to over 3,000 per year.

Under the MoU, ICT academies will be established in eight new universities, which will join existing 15 academies by the end of 2020, bringing the total number of universities to 23.

The programme will support the government`s Digital Pakistan initiative to promote ICT technology skills. The programme features industry-academia linkages and cooperation with universities in different countries for development, training and certification.

Twenty-six universities submitted their proposals to the HEC for joining the programme. Following an open and competitive selection process, eight universities were chosen to host the next set.

These are Mirpur University of Science and Technology, University of Central Punjab, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Agricultural University, Khwaja Fareed UET, Usman Institute of Technology, Sindh Madressatul Islam University, UE T Peshawar and the University ofPeshawar.

The five existing academies which will be upgraded, based on their past performance, are Comsats University Islamabad, NUST, UET, NED University of Engineering and Technology, and Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute.

L I T E R A C Y DEPARTMENT: The Punjab Literacy and NonFormal Basic Education Department (L&NFBED) and a non-government organisationonWednesday signed a memorandum of understanding for devising and implementing strategies to improve literacy rate in the province.

L&NFBED Secretary Sumaira Samad, Punjab Minister for L&NFBED Raja Rashid Hafeez and L&NFBED Additional Secretary Bashir Zahid Goraya were present.

The minister said they were building strategic partnerships in multiple areas to expand the network and enhance the impact of the department.

Under the arrangement, model non-formal shelter schools will be established at the pre-identified locations besides educational materials, imparting teachers training and missing facilities will also be provided for literacy centers across the province. Piloting of innovative models in nonformal education to address challenges of access and quality are also a part of the mutual arrangement and proposed activities.

Title : HEC signs MoU for ICT excellence in universities
Author : Daily Dawn
Type : News
Role Performer : Corporate author
Subject : Higher education commission
Publisher : Daily Dawn
Publication Place : Islamabad
Date : 2020-08-27
Language : English