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HEC scholarships

MOST of the higher education scholarships are awarded on the basis of certain exams and tests followed by interviews. These set an equal standard for weighing all candidates. Then scholarships are awarded on merit However, this time the PhD scholarships nominated by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) are on the basis of the results of Master`s examination. These awards are considered irrespective of the university, the country of Master`s degree or university ranking. Now it must be noted that the marking criteria of foreign universities are different, as many foreign universities of high rank award lower marks but which are higher in value. The same goes for the private and public universities in Pakistan.

Most private universities award higher grades and marks to all students so as to get more enrolments. In such a situation, assessing a candidate`s suitability and credentials solely on the basis of marks, irrespective of the institution, is wrong.

There is a need for setting a uniform and equal measure of each candidate`s capability. This may be done in the form of a test or examination for a better assessment of merit and capacity.

The HEC may be asked to set an equal standard for selecting candidates for all international and national awards, and no candidate must be rejected for lower marks, or else weightage may be calculated on the basis of university ranking followed by a test and interview so as to promote and encourage real talent.

Title : HEC scholarships
Author : Ghulam Murtaza Shaikh
Type : Column
Role Performer : The Author
Subject : Higher Education Commission
Publisher : Dawn
Publication Place : Lahore
Date : 2019-03-04
Language : English