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HEC awards three indexing agencies to AIOU

Higher Education Commission (HEC) has awarded three indexing agencies to Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) for providing free online access to research articles, facilitating researchers and academicians.

The agencies will provide database in three disciplines, education, Pakistani languages and Islamic studies.

Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Shahid Siddiqui said that it is a great honor for the AIOU to do indexing and abstracting work for providing access of indigenous research to local and international researchers. The university will provide the service of shortening or summarising of documents and assigning of descriptors for referencing documents.

According to the Dean Education Dr. Nasir Mahmood, Indexation of a journal will promote citation of local research and contribute to enhancing relevance and quality of research in future.

The promotion of research culture in AIOU during the last about four years has empowered faculty and faculty has won more than 12 research projects in various research programs of HEC.

About the quality of the research work, being carried out by the university, he said out of seventeen research journals, one related to Education, has recently achieved X-category status, another two got Y category. In line with the guideline provided by the Vice Chancellor, the university has focused on developing itself as research-based educational institution, constructing knowledge in all disciplines and disseminating the same to the end users. Moreover, the research activities were linked with the society’s socio-economic issues.

The university also provided a platform to the young researchers to showcase their research work and learn from the experience of their seniors and in this connection an annual activity was generated.

Title : HEC awards three indexing agencies to AIOU
Author : The News
Type : News
Role Performer : Corporate author
Subject : HEC
Publisher : The News
Publication Place : Islamabad
Date : 2018-06-14
Language : English