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Consultation with provinces on online learning issues ordered

Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training Shafqat Mahmood on Wednesday directed the authorities concerned to complete the consultation with the authorities of provinces and other stakeholders on the issues of online learning and their resolution and prepare a report to be presented to the prime minister and cabinet.

“Education is the top priority of our government. We will leave no stone unturned to resolve the issues of the education sector,” he told a meeting called here on the direction of the prime minister to improve the internet connectivity to benefit students.

The meeting was attended by the officials from Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, Ministry of Information Technology, Universal Service Fund, Higher Education Commission, and Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.

The participants examined different aspects of the issues regarding online education being faced by students.

The issues like internet’s poor connectivity and unavailability in the areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan, South Balochistan, and tribal areas and ways to improve the quality of internet service also came under discussion.

Officials of the IT ministry, PTA, and USF highlighted the issues in the telecom sector and presented their resolution.

Minister Shafqat Mahmood directed the authorities concerned to complete the consultation process with provinces and other stakeholders on online learning issues and their resolution and prepare a report which will be presented to the prime minister and cabinet.

He said that education was the top priority of incumbent government and there will be left no stone unturned to resolve current issues being faced by education sector.

Title : Consultation with provinces on online learning issues ordered
Author : The News
Type : News
Role Performer : Corporate author
Subject : Online education
Publisher : The News
Publication Place : Islamabad
Date : 2020-07-16
Language : English