Title : Admissions spring 2018 Undergraduate and graduate courses
Author : Riphah International University
Type : Advertisement
Role Performer : Corporate author
Subject : Admissions spring 2018, Admission-Riphah
Keyword :
Graduate courses , Undergraduate courses , Riphah College of Rehabilitation Sciences , Riphah Institute of Clinical & Professional Psychology , Riphah institute of Language & Linguistic , Riphah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Riphah institute of computing and Applied sciences , Riphah school of Business and management , Speech Language Pathology , Orthopedic Therapy , Neuro muscular , Applied psychology , Clinical psychology , Organizational psychology , English litertaute , Language & linguistics , Pharmaceutics , Pharmacology , Software Engineering , Mathematics , Physics , Engineering Management , Project management , Management sciences , ISO 9001-2008 , Higher Education Commission , Pakistan Engineering Council , Pharmacy council , Scholarships , Lahore Township Campus , Quaid-e-Azam Campus Riphah International University , BBA , MBA , BS , MS , MSc , M phil , SLP , MNPT , OMPT , HEC , PEC , PC , RCRS , RILL , RSBM , RIPS , RICPP
Publisher : روزنامہ جنگ
Publication Place : Lahore
Date : 2018-02-11
Language : English