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The Latest APC: How Different Is It?

The latest APC: how different is it?

Let me begin by stating that I am a die-hard optimist, I always see the glass as half full. This time around my optimism is based on certain decisions and…

The IMF Programme

The IMF programme

The Executive Board of the IMF has approved a 36-month programme under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) for US$ 6.68 billion on September 4, 2013. After the board approval, the…

German Business Confident As China Shifts Gears

German business confident as China shifts gears

Confident or complacent, German business executives are bullish about their chances of profiting from China's transition to an economy fired by consumption rather than investment. As China deliberately dampens its…

At A Crossroads

At a crossroads

It is a virtual truism these days to assert that Muslim societies are at a crossroads. For the disciples of Maulana Maudoodi and Syed Qutb — the globally acknowledged fathers…

Corruption Scorecard

Corruption scorecard

According to the Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer 2013, released on July 9, a good 54 percent Pakistanis believe that corruption has increased a lot during the last two years.…

Arab Spring – Muslim Autumn

Arab spring – Muslim autumn

The word 'spring' immediately brings to mind new growth, green trees, flowering plants, lush green lawns and pleasant breeze. Even the birds break out in song. Psychologically, you are on…

Arab Spring – Muslim Autumn

Arab spring – Muslim autumn

The word 'spring' immediately brings to mind new growth, green trees, flowering plants, lush green lawns and pleasant breeze. Even the birds break out in song. Psychologically, you are on…