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Privatise Them!

Privatise them!

The state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are bleeding heavily and the recent figures released through official sources, estimate that the losses have exceeded 500 billion rupees annually. Recently, the prime minister spoke…

Unignorable Imperative

Unignorable imperative

Beginning April until June 19, the Auditor General of Pakistan disclosed embezzlement, irregularities and mismanagement of over Rs 722bn in state offices and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in just one financial…

No white heat revolutions

Former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson – twice elected – famously observed in 1964 that a week was a long time in politics. True to those words, the twist came…

What Do You Do, Sir?

What do you do, sir?

In a deeply polarised society, riven by conflicts that have become antagonistic, there is no dispute whatsoever about the gravity of the national crisis. All of us recognise that this…