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Not A Perfect World

Not a perfect world

TheIran-Pakistan pipeline is back in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Islamabad and Tehran have signed an agreement to press ahead with the project and Tadbir Energy has offered…

Wrapping Up The War

Wrapping up the war

Corporate profits have rocketed to all-time highs – but for more than a decade, wages and incomes have hardly budged. — Barack Obama, State of the Union Address, 2013 Barack…

Justice Or Revenge?

Justice or revenge?

The International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) set up in Bangladesh in 2010 by Prime Minister Hasina Wajid’s Awami League government, sentenced Abdul Quader Mollah, a senior Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) leader, to life…

The Evolving Scenarios

The evolving scenarios

Afzal Guru’s secret hanging on Saturday, conventional laws of dialectics direct us to believe, has spawned multi-layered linkages, ranging from corrosive domestic politics to high military strategy. Of these perhaps…

America’s Drone Issue

America’s drone issue

Over the last few weeks, particularly in the week preceding the congressional hearings for confirmation of Obama’s new CIA director, much has appeared in the American and international media about…

One Billion Rising And …

One billion rising and …

Eve Ensler, the American playwright and feminist activist, is set to give the final push that she believes will banish violence against women from our lives for ever. She has…

From High To Low Politics

From high to low politics

The American presidential elections have always suffered from a dichotomy. They are won and lost on the basis of the domestic agenda. However, the president’s legacy is shaped by foreign…

Allying With Tax Evaders

Allying with tax evaders

"Moralists should address their sermons to the legislators, and not to individuals, because it is in the order of possible things that a virtuous and enlightened man may have the…

Emerging Economies

Emerging economies

Since long, Pakistan is locked up in a situation of economic volatility, infrastructural deficit, financial disaster in public sector entities and growing poverty. Reformatory policies undertaken by different sectors of…