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Long March & The Blundering Government

Long march & the blundering government

This is how the government plans to kill the spirit of those who are demanding accountable exercise of State and Executive authority through rule of law ensured through an independent…

Pushing Afghans To Failure

Pushing Afghans to failure

There have been many strange statements by US senior military officers over the years, and one of the more intriguing came last week from Marine Corps Maj Gen Larry D…

Good Morning

Good morning

Writing this column on the eve of Pakistan Day I was rather disappointed to see that the large imposing mausoleum of the Father of the Nation, Quaid e Azam Mohammed…

Somalia: Peace Prospects

Somalia: peace prospects

After 20 years of sliding backwards, Somalia has taken a step in the right direction. Together with international efforts and adoption of a new federal constitution by the 825-member Assembly…

Beyond Elections

Beyond elections

Looking beyond the coming elections, Pakistan’s future looks bleak. There is little question that elections 2013 will prove more divisive and chaotic than anything we have seen before. Mere transfer…

Dangers Of Cultural Revivalism

Dangers of cultural revivalism

The PM recently made statements to encourage what he called, ‘cultural revival as a means to counter religious extremism and for spreading tolerance in society’. He suggested that artistes could…

The Hawks And The Offer

The hawks and the offer

Should the government talk to the Taliban, or should it not? That is the question. The answer from the hawks would be a resounding no. They would argue that the…

A Talent For Deception

A talent for deception

The blasts at Data Darbar have forced people to think. Many with ambiguous feelings about the militants are now clearer in their ideas about extremism and what it intends to…

Reconnecting With Pakistan

Reconnecting with Pakistan

The first thing that hits one at the flood relief camps is the sea of children. The latter far outnumber the adults. Almost all women around 30 years of age…