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Professionals Wanted

Professionals wanted

Anyone scouring the newspapers in search of job opportunities is bound to have noticed the rather colourful advertisements placed by the government in recent weeks. They seek applications from `dynamic…

Culpability For Crises

Culpability for crises

The debilitating economic crises facing Pakistan and the deplorable state of public services are mostly a result of mismanagement, inaction and the blatantly wrong policies that have been pursued by…

Transparency Works

Transparency works

Recently, former Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani told the media that PPP lost the 2013 general election because of pre-poll "rigging" which, according to him, took the form of accountability…

Restructuring Intelligence

Restructuring intelligence

The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) of the UK ‘monitors communications worldwide for intelligence purposes’, and works under the foreign secretary. The British parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee oversees the functioning…

False Binaries

False binaries

If you blame the army chief and the DG ISI for the OBL ignominy, aren’t you in fact helping the Indians and the Americans who’d like to weaken our army…

Corruption Scorecard

Corruption scorecard

According to the Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer 2013, released on July 9, a good 54 percent Pakistanis believe that corruption has increased a lot during the last two years.…

Raids And Reports

Raids and reports

The people of Pakistan eagerly awaited answers to critical questions in the Abbottabad Commission Report. Was Osama bin Laden residing in the Abbottabad compound? The commission declared that OBL had…

The Murder Of Ishrat Jahan

The murder of Ishrat Jahan

India's Central Bureau of Investigation has charged eight Gujarat policemen, including senior officers DG Vanzara and PP Pandey, with premeditated murder for the 2004 'encounter' killing of teenager-student Ishrat Jahan…

Tackling Corruption

Tackling corruption

THE Pakistani electorate vehemently endorsed the slogan of Roshan Pakistan by voting in its architects the PML-N. However, the electorate was thoughtful enough not to wholly reject the slogan of…

The Willing Lender

The willing lender

Pakistan and the IMF have started discussions for a fresh round of IMF financing. This will be the twelfth IMF programme in over two decades. Pakistan holds the unique distinction…