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A Frank Assessment

A frank assessment

While briefing a select group of economic journalists on the eve of their precipitate departure from Pakistan, the visiting mission chief of the IMF shared frank assessments of Pakistan’s economy.…

Our Sleeping Avengers

Our sleeping avengers

The news today may bring you to the edge of your seat, but apathy to the violence that endures may soon take over, given the general societal attitude. At an…

A Weapon-free Karachi?

A weapon-free Karachi?

According to media reports 2,500-3,000 people fell victim to violence in Karachi in 2012.Ironically, the same year in September UN member states adopted a treaty pledging to rid the world…

Beyond Reform?

Beyond reform?

Since the start of World Bank funded Tax Administration Reforms Programme (TARP), FBR has been making tall claims about its automation efforts. All the chairmen of FBR, who headed the…

Liberating Faith From The Fringe

Liberating faith from the fringe

Another day, another massacre in the name of the exalted faith. Will this senseless, endless dance of death in the name of all that is holy ever stop? We have…

No fear of accountability

The Victorian chimney sweep in Britain, the first industrial nation, was once an even bigger symbol of inhumanity than the bonded child labourer and sex-trafficked women of Pakistan and India…



On September 9, 2001, eleven years ago, a gruesome and heinous crime against humanity was committed in New York - wanton attack on twin towers of World Trade Center symbolizing…

Comparing Profits

Comparing profits

Imagine, the French government was prepared to nationalise Arcelor Mittal to protect 650 redundancies, what is capitalism coming too? Dubbed as the clash of steel, the French abandoned the threat…