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Preparing For Scarcity

Preparing for scarcity

Barring its formative years, generations of Pakistani policymakers have comfortably operated with one `given` or constant: resource abundance. From vast tracts of fertile arable land to generous flows in its…

A Bad Old Idea

A bad old idea

Last week, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif inaugurated a nuclear power project in Karachi, terming it a proud moment in the energy history of this country. Six such projects, he said,…

A Fistful Of Dollars

A fistful of dollars

Pakistan did not enter a world of globalised capital flows on the heels of an economic crisis. India had its balance of payments crisis in 1991, Bolivia and Poland were…

Wrong Taxation Approach

Wrong taxation approach

The system of taxing company incomes that uses net profit as the basis for determining tax liability reduces the incentive to save, and encourages expenditure. The tax authorities are conscious…

Battling Imbalances

Battling imbalances

When selecting policy instruments and the timing of interventions, a key question that bedevils decision-makers in the country is how to facilitate growth and contain inflation simultaneously. It has been…

A Fine Balance

A fine balance

‘Stabilisation-first’ versus growth-stabilisation balance has been under debate ever since the approval of the new IMF programme for Pakistan. Many, this writer included, are of the opinion that the IMF…

Stability With Growth

Stability with growth

The stabilisation vs growth debate has been sparked by concerns that Pakistan is entering its sixth year of stagnating incomes and can no longer afford to tread the same path.…

Hike In Domestic Power Tariffs

Hike in domestic power tariffs

Nepra has notified a big increase in domestic power tariffs with effect from the 1st of November 2013. This will mean that tariffs for domestic consumers will have increased since…