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Hot money and high interest rates: trade-offs?

Since the beginning of March’20, Pakistan’s economy witnessed three economic disturbances and one expected policy revision: a) net outflow of US$ 1.3 billion from treasury bills (dubbed as ‘hot money’)…

UK’s role in global illicit finance?

On the face of it, the UK government has made good progress in implementing the actions of its 2019 Economic Crime Plan. According to one study, 80% of the actions…

Kleptocracy, hypocrisy, yet democracy

Not again. Corruption, corruption, corruption. Doesn’t he have any other topic? It is just a cover-up for incompetence. The economy will never grow if people are afraid of being caught.…

Moment of truth

HISTORY has come full circle in Afghanistan with the Taliban regaining power after 20 years of war. In post-America Afghanistan the Taliban face a number of critical tests — of…

The Fiasco at the HEC

One of the most commendable decisions Prime Minister Imran Khan made upon taking office was to eschew haste in trying to reverse everything his predecessors had done. Among the beneficiaries…

A rough start for ‘geoeconomics’

The nature of the political and economic crisis Pakistan is experiencing is much more profound than we would like to admit. Oddly, the visibility of how severe this crisis is…

A multilateral world

The corona pandemic has changed the world drastically. While humanity is still in the midst of overwhelming the virus through accelerated vaccine production programs, the resurgence of Covid-19 has proven…

Imperialist Hegemony And Wars

Imperialist hegemony and wars

First, the US killed a top Iranian general in a drone strike near the Baghdad International Airport. General Qassem Soleimani was the top commander of the Al Quds force (a…