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The Priyanka Blunder

The Priyanka blunder

After years, somebody in the exhausted, jaded Indian National Congress had a bright idea – fielding Priyanka Gandhi as its Lok Sabha candidate against Narendra Modi in Varanasi in Uttar…

Will The BJP Lose By Gaining?

Will the BJP lose by gaining?

When the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh ordered the Bharatiya Janata Party to nominate Narendra Modi as its prime ministerial candidate six months ago, neither organisation could have imagined that this would…

The Pretender And The Prince

The pretender and the prince

Is it really happening? Or is this merely a disturbing dream that will end when one wakes up? One would have thought that years of eager anticipation and hubbub promising…

Look In The Mirror For The Ugly Indian

Look in the mirror for the Ugly Indian

Some years ago, India Today did an interesting cover story titled ‘The Ugly Indian’. That June 1998 magazine issue has remained etched on my memory all these years because of…

Web Of Estrangement

Web of estrangement

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif`s recent discussion with Subhash Chandra, the CEO of Zee TV, an Indian TV network, is noteworthy because what he said reflected the generally sad state of…

The Indo-Pak Tango

The Indo-Pak tango

What prevents India’s total domination over Pakistan? India is ahead of us in practically all indicators of national power potential – size, population, natural resources, economy and military. It outperforms…

A BJP-driven U-turn?

A BJP-driven U-turn?

Looking at the U-turn in Indo-Pak relations, January seems a strange month. The change perplexed everyone, because throughout 2012, a perception was built that these belligerent neighbours had finally accepted…

Whatever Happens At The Border

Whatever happens at the border

One step forward, two steps back. That appears to be the norm of the dysfunctional India-Pakistan relationship. You make a little progress, inch by painful inch, dragging yourself up the…

Drowning In Hyperbole

Drowning in hyperbole

The writer is former executive editor of The News and a senior journalist with Geo TV. We are real suckers for high-pitch hyperbole. It infects us quicker than a virus.…