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11 days of living dangerously

Once again, T S Eliot – and it’s not about April being the cruellest month. There is a cryptic question which the poet posed: “Where is the life we have…

Tolerant Pakistan

There is a direct link between peace and prosperity of any society. This is why all human societies – from ancient Greek empires to today’s modern democratic countries – focus…

The Grey List Failure

The grey list failure

Pakistan faced an enormous foreign policy failure recently when it was placed on the ‘grey list’ of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), a global money laundering watchdog. The failure…

History And Histrionics

History and histrionics

Many years ago, during our training as local reporters and producers for CNN, an expert from Atlanta gave us vital tips on dealing with the twin devils of our field:…

Why Did Qadri’s Juggernaut Fail?

Why did Qadri’s juggernaut fail?

It was an anti-climax of the juggernaut that Tahirul Qadri has been so dramatically using against successive elected governments. You cannot use the same old trick all the time, even…

What Makes Rabbani Angry?

What makes Rabbani angry?

Mian Raza Rabbani’s losing his cool last Friday was not unexpected. For quite some time, the Senate chairman had been getting more and more uneasy at the executive’s lack of…

China Cutting

China cutting

I wasn't aware of this term’s existence till a couple of years ago, and I bet our Chinese friends aren’t happy with being associated with it, if only by name.…

Storm In A Teacup?

Storm in a teacup?

The corps commanders have spoken. They have expressed concern over the “feeding of a false and fabricated story” that appeared in Dawn on Oct 6 as a breach of national…

Changing Times

Changing times

Just a few months ago, Pakistan was facing the prospect of international isolation. India had scuttled the Saarc summit, and the world was slamming Pakistan for its terrorism record. Only…