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Canton fair: new opportunities for development

Under the background of the complicated Covid-19 pandemic situation and a fragile recovery of the world’s economy, the Chinese government is going to hold the 130th China Import and Export…

Time to abandon shareholders’ capitalism

In China a majority of the economy is in private hands, but the government retains a decisive role, setting the long-term direction, and intervening in critical sectors and at critical…

Prosperous region

Twenty years ago, the tragic attacks of 9/11 resulted in changing the world's dynamics. However, on the occasion of its 20th anniversary, the Taliban, are once again rulers of Afghanistan…

Perils of patriarchy

We live in a patriarchal society. Most of us, especially women, understand what this means. It means a society in which men almost from the moment of birth are considered…

Gasping for air

The US is home to over 4 million Indian Americans. We’re a diverse population, but overall we’re the most affluent of all Asian American subgroups, with a median income of…

The development challenge

Global wisdom is increasingly reaching the conclusion that the holistic model of human development is the real answer to the present and evolving challenges faced by the global community. In…

The Fiasco at the HEC

One of the most commendable decisions Prime Minister Imran Khan made upon taking office was to eschew haste in trying to reverse everything his predecessors had done. Among the beneficiaries…

Resolving minority issues

Two major problems non-Muslim minority communities in Pakistan face are directly linked to religious conversion and encroachment of holy sites of worship. Most of the conversion cases in Pakistan are…

A multilateral world

The corona pandemic has changed the world drastically. While humanity is still in the midst of overwhelming the virus through accelerated vaccine production programs, the resurgence of Covid-19 has proven…