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HEC resets strategic direction of higher education

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has decided to reset the “strategic direction” of higher education to bring improvement to the sector. An official letter dated October 23 addressed to all…

A new course

The Forum for Dialogue and Diplomacy in Houston, Texas, recently convened a discussion that offered a glimpse into the evolving dynamics of US-Pakistan relations. Facilitated by the intellectual Pakistani-American diaspora,…

Minister advocates for Urdu as medium of education

Caretaker Punjab Minister of Primary and Secondary Healthcare Dr. Jamal Nasir highlighted the loss of talent due to the predominance of English-based education in Pakistan instead of the national language.…

Sindh to re-conduct MDCAT through Dow varsity

 Without disclosing the findings of an eagerly awaited inquiry report on an alleged examination paper leak, the Sindh government announced on Tuesday that the controversial Medical and Dental College Admission Test…

PMDC analyses MDCAT 2023 exam amidst challenges

After conducting the MDCAT 2023 exam with nearly 187,000 students, President PM&DC Prof. Dr. Rizwan Taj convened a post-examination analysis meeting to ensure the integrity of the process.  The meeting,…

200 candidates held for using unfair means in MDCAT exam

Despite challenges, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education and Evaluation Testing Agency (ETEA) on Sunday smoothly conducted the Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT) and arrested around 200 candidates using unfair…