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Economic illusion

REMARKABLE, isn’t it, how major crises in Pakistan are forgotten when supposedly bigger crises displace them, whether by design or otherwise? So it is with the economy, which was and…

Flag protection an economic opportunity

Any country, when drafting its maritime policies, is faced with a dilemma that is similar in nature to most other economic matters. These countries have to choose between a protectionist…

Two legs of economic management

SO the circle is complete. As of this week, we have the two favourite ingredients that have defined our economic management for a decade now: a tax amnesty scheme and…

The Cost Of Economic Dependency

The cost of economic dependency

Pakistan's protracted economic reliance on the US and some international financial institutions (IFIs) has seemingly deprived our geo-economically important country of an independent, proactive and robust foreign policy since the…

Economic Reforms: Part – XLVIII

Economic reforms: Part – XLVIII

Before we close the subject of fiscal federalism, we discuss the implications of the 7th NFC Award and the resulting state of fiscal affairs in the country. The Award, which…

Economic diplomacy: the elusive target

At least once every two years Ambassadors from selected countries get together for the Envoys conference. Almost always economic diplomacy is top of the agenda. From Prime Minister down they…

Economic Reforms: Part-XXXXIII

Economic reforms: Part-XXXXIII

The 1990 NFC made another curious recommendation, which was not part of its original TORs, but based on a reference made by the Council of Common Interests (CCI) in its…

Economic Geology Of CPEC: Part – II

Economic geology of CPEC: Part – II

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) did not appear in a historical vacuum, but rather emerged from the womb of historical continuum. Building upon China’s historical connections with the Pakistani side…

Economic Security

Economic security

Pakistan’s economic security is by far the most neglected element of our national security. For way too long, we remained focus on Pakistan’s military security. For way too long, we…