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Year 2015

Year 2015

Rarely has a democratic government enjoyed a year such as 2015. For the government of Nawaz Sharif, opportunity was served up on a platter to set into motion far-reaching initiatives.…

The Monetary And Fiscal Quagmire

The monetary and fiscal quagmire

The Ministry of Finance, State Bank of Pakistan and IMF would like us to believe that fiscal consolidation has taken place, a prudent monetary policy has resulted in sound monetary…

Overcoming Fiscal Deficit

Overcoming fiscal deficit

Pakistan is in serious fiscal difficulties. The politics of sit-ins creating instability is bound to worsen the already pathetic economic situation. In fiscal year 2013-14, the original tax target of…

A Continuation Of Last Year””s Plan

A continuation of last year””s plan

Presenting the federal budget yesterday, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar seemed quite enthusiastic about the economic recovery and ''''sound policies'''' by the government. The accountant''''s selective approach is nothing new; compared…

Improving Fiscal Management – III

Improving fiscal management – III

Period from 2008-13 was adjudged as 'financial hara-kiri' by some economists35. "Never in the history of this country has the nation seen such a fiscally irresponsible government. They have maintained…

Improving Fiscal Management – II

Improving fiscal management – II

There is no political will to implementing the above mentioned well-defined fiscal reform agenda, though general consensus on it exists in society. Addiction to borrowed money and lust for wasteful…

FBR’s ‘Year Book 2012-13’

FBR’s ‘Year Book 2012-13’

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), in its Year Book 2012-13, issued on September 23, 2013, conceded colossal failure on meeting the assigned target, but as usual blamed it on…

FBR’s ‘Year Book 2012-13’

FBR’s ‘Year Book 2012-13’

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), in its Year Book 2012-13, issued on September 23, 2013, conceded colossal failure on meeting the assigned target, but as usual blamed it on…