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What is the UK-Pakistan relationship?

In Islamabad people will point in the direction of the British High Commission as the most important Western diplomatic mission, even more significant than the American. This is totally believable.…

Kumrat valley: the looming crisis

There are two valleys in the central Hindu Kush which have no parallels in terms of their beauty. Both open into the extreme north of Pakistan: into Chitral and Gilgit.…

The Mountbatten plan

June 3, 1947 holds importance for the success of the Pakistan Movement, led by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah to achieve a separate and sovereign state of Pakistan. Exactly 74 years…

Systemic deficiencies

We heard repeatedly that children – who tend to escape the more severe symptoms of COVID-19 – have had to sacrifice the education to which they are entitled. The school…

Alone with the burden of history

The story of Palestine is like the story of no other country. It is spread over millennia and at any time in history, it has always attracted the attention, love…

Vaccine woes

On the anniversary of the United Kingdom’s first lockdown of the coronavirus pandemic, as candles were lit in doorways and the country mourned 125,000 deaths, the prime minister was in…

Colonial intrusion and Pakhtun resistance

The new gem from Akbar S Ahmed is a compiled and edited publication of two apparently unrelated, but subtly interlinked manuscripts: A set of Pakhtun proverbs (Mataloona) and a Resident…

Vaccine reluctance

HAVING failed to prevent a disastrously high number of Covid-related deaths, the British government is at last able to boast about something: its vaccine programme is powering ahead. By giving…

Hypocrisy and suffering

The British government’s reluctance in suspending arms sales to Saudi Arabia is not only shameful but also flies in the face of London’s tall claim of working for global peace…

Undue reparations

WORLD War II ended in 1945 when the western Allies accepted the surrender of Germany and Japan. World War III began immediately thereafter. Known euphemistically as the Cold War, it…