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A Careless Caretaker Government

A careless caretaker government

There was no dearth of warnings about the impending economic crisis prior to the induction of the interim government. The PPP-led government had followed policies that led to a dire…

SBP Needs To Adopt A New Policy Mix

SBP needs to adopt a new policy mix

The MPS is being announced later today and it should make for an interesting read. In the prevailing policy paralysis due to election considerations, the absence of a Finance Minister,…

Tax Reform, Not Aid Please

Tax reform, not aid please

The BBC has reported that a group of British MPs have asked the British “government to withhold extra aid to Pakistan unless the country does more to gather taxes from…

The Political Minimum

The political minimum

The issue of raising minimum wage hit the headlines recently with the announcement of election manifestos by different parties. All of them promised a substantial increase in the minimum wage…

The Zardari Legacy

The Zardari legacy

For the past four decades the PPP has thrived on the enduring Bhutto legacy. But it is the Zardari legacy on which the party is likely to be judged in…

IP Pipeline: The Energy Corridor

IP pipeline: the energy corridor

Amidst heightened frenzy of elections approaching in Pakistan, the President of Pakistan announced the commencement of Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline (IP)on March 11, 2013.The purpose of this project was to import…

Good On Intentions…

Good on intentions…

Part of being a concerned citizen is to be well informed and, as I belong to the 18-35 age demographic that is going to cast its vote for the first…

The Cup And The Lip

The cup and the lip

Amidst heightened frenzy of elections approaching in Pakistan, presidents of both the Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan jointly laid down the foundation stone of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline (IP)…