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A Killing Machine Called CIA

A killing machine called CIA

In an interview for an article about the machinations of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) one of the Washington Post’s sources described it as “one helluva killing machine”. Then, according…

An Emerging Market?

An emerging market?

A recent Global Research Report by HSBC Bank noted that 19 of the top 30 economies in 2050 will be countries that are “emerging”. It is “not just the likes…

The Year Gone By

The year gone by

As another frantic year comes to an end, I want to know who pushed the fast-forward button. Why is it that life seems to speed up as you get older?…

Pakistan`s Isolation

Pakistan`s isolation

The leaders of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (Britain, the US, France, China and Russia) have visited India in the last few months.

The Strategic Agenda

The strategic agenda

The present flows from the past, and the future will emerge from the present. Syria’s sectarian war: The headline issue today and in the near future is likely to be…

Remembering Benazir

Remembering Benazir

December 27, 2012 marks the fifth death anniversary of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, the great visionary leader, who resisted with great courage the agenda of neo-colonial forces - pushing Pakistan to…

Political Economy Of Provinces

Political economy of provinces

How are the natural resources of a province to be so integrated with the human advantages that the province works its wonders to the advantage of its population? That is…

Wen`s India Visit

Wen`s India visit

One did not have to be an expert on China to anticipate that Prime Minister Wen Jiabao’s visit to India would be a flop and the one to Pakistan a…

Winds Of Change

Winds of change

Winds of change are blowing across Pakistan. With the advent of the New Year, there is a twinkle of hope in many eyes that 2013 will mean the beginning of…