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Chinese Vision

Chinese vision

The timing of the Ufa summit was very interesting as the west’s control over the decaying international system seems to be slipping and the global south starts exerting itself to…

A Chinese Template

A Chinese template

Two years ago, President Xi Jinping had first proposed the “One Belt, One Road”, essentially a breakout economic vision for China. In an editorial this month, Hong Kong’s South China…

Environment Alert

Environment alert

Be it food insecurity, water stress, or climate change, Pakistan is under threat from wide-ranging environmental problems. If ever we needed a reminder, the heatwave in Karachi provided just that.…

Integrating Fata

Integrating Fata

Two recent statements by the Inter-Services Public Relations should have raised the spirits of all those who wish to see a formidable threat to the state and society of Pakistan…

Farm & The Budget

Farm & the budget

AGRICULTURE contributes almost a fifth to our national income annually but its growth has been moribund for years. Last year’s uptick reported in the recent Economic Survey needs to be…

Beyond Zarb-i-Azb

Beyond Zarb-i-Azb

HE battle for North Waziristan may not be over yet, but Zarb-i-Azb has proved the sceptics wrong. It has blown away the myth about the invincibility of territory and the…

Sunrise Over Iran

Sunrise over Iran

The luck just doesn’t run out in Pakistan. Just as one door closes, another opens. For almost a decade now, rulers in Pakistan have tried to overcome domestic opposition to…

Whither Democracy?

Whither democracy?

Sahabzada Yaqub Khan, general-turned-diplomat and Pakistan’s longest serving foreign minister, explained the raison d’etre of Saarc as a link in the chain of regional cooperation organisations that girdled the globe.…

Asif’s Moment Of Truth

Asif’s moment of truth

Speaking at the Institute of Strategic Studies in Islamabad, Khawaja Asif didn’t hesitate in calling the US an untrustworthy ally. Asif had two choices. One, he could have talked tongue-in-cheek,…