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Omens Of A Maelstrom?

Omens of a maelstrom?

Three apparently unrelated developments point to a groundswell that could ultimately unhinge Pakistan from its democratic moorings. The three happenings are: the Taliban lobby’s campaign to frighten the government into…

Mysteries & Narratives

Mysteries & narratives

Not all mysteries are destined to remain unsolved. Pakistan’s story contains many mysteries that we have perhaps given up searching for answers to, but at least one is about to…

Salam, Abdus Salam

Salam, Abdus Salam

Four days from now, on January 29, much of Pakistan will forget – or refuse to remember – Dr Mohammad Abdus Salam on what would have been his 88th birthday.…

Challenges Before The Judiciary

Challenges before the judiciary

With the appointment of Justice Tassaduq Hussain Jillani as the next chief justice of Pakistan from December 12, 2013, on the retirement of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, there is…

The Coup-lovers’ Brigade

The coup-lovers’ brigade

Whichever way the case against the two-coup commando may go, the politicos in his line of defence have already given the people a lesson they cannot afford to ignore. Never…

Privatisation Or Predation?

Privatisation or predation?

King Richard (aka the Lionheart) once declared, “I would have sold London if I could find a buyer”. London was spared; instead bishoprics were sold, gold and silver treasures of…

Legal Fraternity`s Conundrum

Legal fraternity`s conundrum

SINCE the judicial awakening of the legal fraternity in Pakistan in 2007, a thorny issue being faced by both the barandthebenchisthe demand by many districts in Punjab that high court…

They Just Fade Away

They just fade away

General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani stepped down as chief of army staff on Friday. He passed on the baton, and, with it, the trammelling burden of responsibility, to his successor General…

The Next COAS

The next COAS

The race is on. The two slots to be filed are: the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) and the chief of army staff (COAS). Here’s the…

Economic Effects Of Intangibles

Economic effects of intangibles

Economics especially development economics is in limbo for sometime. The excitement of the dismal science is not there anymore. Quantification of variables of development (growth-market development-employment, etc) are mere indicators…