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Enter The Dragon

Enter the dragon

While the architects of ‘Naya Pakistan’ were busy burning their electricity bills and even insisting that a top level trip from Beijing to the country was never scheduled, Chinese President…

The Saarc Opportunity

The Saarc opportunity

The South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (Saarc) has missed holding its summits 11 times in the past which were otherwise required to be held annually according to the Saarc…

Return Of Geopolitics

Return of geopolitics

A dominant theme at the recent World Economic Forum summit was that the return of geopolitics, turbulence and volatility were combining to shape today’s fraught strategic environment. As the eruption…

Twenty-five Years After The Fall

Twenty-five years after the fall

Twenty-five years ago this month, the Berlin Wall was dismantled brick-by-brick by East German citizens who responded to an announcement of a relaxation of harsh travel restrictions. Thousands spontaneously flocked…

On Different Floors Of The Same Hotel

On different floors of the same hotel

Joseph Schumpeter, the Czech-born Austrian-American economist, is said to have once said that income distribution in a society is just like a hotel with three floors where the rooms at…

Peace And Prosperity Through Security And Stability

Peace and prosperity through security and stability

The Shanghai Co-operation Organisation has become an influential organisation and an important factor in the emergence of a new polycentric world order. The organisation has worked to bring about tangible…

Beyond The Consensus

Beyond the consensus

“If you want to rob the people wholesale start a bank”, says a Chinese proverb. The validity of this ancient wisdom aside, China itself has moved a long way away…

The Builder Of Sandcastles

The builder of sandcastles

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is a dreamer of unreal dreams. He believes that he has the ability to resuscitate the comatose economy and transform Pakistan into an Asian tiger. The…

Governments And Governance

Governments and governance

Governments have always existed, of one kind or the other – elected or unelected, competent or ignorant, effective or indecisive, subservient or self-serving. And in one form or the other:…

Prioritising Quality In Education

Prioritising quality in education

"Many South Asian teachers barely know more than their students. For example, surveys from India and Pakistan show that teachers perform poorly in math and language tests based on the…