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What Ails Punjab?

What ails Punjab?

It’s hardly news that Punjab’s public healthcare system is in a bleak state – with overcrowded and non-functional hospitals and poor basic health indicators. The official claims of making big…

The Age Of Discovery

The age of discovery

For Pakistan to emerge from the huge mountain of debt we need to give the highest priority to transitioning to a knowledge-based economy. For this we need to invest massively…

In The Line Of Fire

In the line of fire

At the young age of 18, Sharafata had already attained the attributes of a quintessential Pakhtun woman born and bred in rural Peshawar. Of course she knew of the threat…

Poisoned Chalice

Poisoned chalice

No wonder Nawaz Sharif was happy to see the PTI of Imran Khan take Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - he knows that it holds the seeds of Khan’s undoing. Every imaginable challenge…

Genetically Intoxicated In Agriculture

Genetically intoxicated in agriculture

Pakistan first started its biogenetics institute at Faisalabad in 1983 as National Institute of Biogenetic Engineering (NIBGE). I was there in the Planning Commission and I was told that to…

The Polio Tipping Point

The polio tipping point

Early this month, tragedy struck Pakistan’s polio eradication campaign once again with the killing of another two polio workers and a policeman on patrol with the vaccination teams. The latest…

Enemies Within

Enemies within

The single most important factor that determines the fate of a nation and its state of socio-economic development is education. It is the scientists and engineers that are changing the…

Poor Picture Of Health

Poor picture of health

Recent months have seen the deaths of some 300 children in Sindh, due to measles which is both preventable and treatable. No heads have rolled, however, and no sign of…

Waiting For Malala To Grow Up

Waiting for Malala to grow up

When the state and the political elite of the country cannot be on the same page even on how best to deal with an existential threat to it, is there…