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From An Old Playbook

From an old playbook

The current crisis in Ukraine was triggered last November when Yanukovych, the then president, turned down an association agreement offered by the EU that included a free-trade deal. The decision,…

Pakistan At The Hague

Pakistan at The Hague

The third Nuclear Security Summit is taking place at The Hague. This summit is the third of its kind. The nuclear security summit process was born out of President Obama’s…



During the five years that Zardari was in the presidency, he effectively controlled the federal government through two hand-picked prime ministers whose main qualification for the office was their subservience…

Welcome To Jihad Inc.

Welcome to Jihad Inc.

It’s the season for our worst fears to bloom. As extremist discourse becomes more mainstream, it’s worth considering what price our future bailouts might come at. For a useful illustration,…

Present Imperfect

Present imperfect

How would a historian of the future – let’s say someone in 2114 – analyse and describe the present-day conflict and unabated religiously-motivated terrorism within Pakistan? Will the future historian…

The Triangle

The triangle

The long-awaited strategic dialogue between Pakistan and the United States was held in Washington on January 27. Unlike the first round in 2010, the army chief was not in attendance.…

The Washington-Tehran Detente

The Washington-Tehran detente

As if to reaffirm the proposition that inter-state relations know no permanent friends and no perpetual foes, Iran and the United States are inching towards normalisation of relations. The Washington-Tehran…

Tendulkar’s Second Innings

Tendulkar’s second innings

CRICKETERS are notoriously unhygienic, the way they obsessively lift their saliva with their fingers to rub it on the ball to make it work better for attack bowlers. The advent…