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Gwadar’s women

WHAT happened in Gwadar earlier this week was surprising for everyone in the country. Hundreds of women participated in the rally ‘Give Rights to Gwadar’, led by Maulana Hidayat-ur-Rehman of the Jamaat-i-Islami…

Women’s work

It is abundantly clear, if one analyses the serious issues that Pakistan is currently facing, that the problem of a lack of planning is present everywhere. The elite is busy…

Women at risk

It is estimated that one in every three women across the globe experiences some form of physical or sexual abuse in her lifetime. And while the spotlight is currently on…

Invisible women

It is not the first time that PM Imran Khan has drawn the ire of women’s rights activists. This time, he assured clerics that no law that is incongruent to…

Taliban, women and children

As the Taliban overtook Kabul and now-former president Ashraf Ghani fled the country, Afghanistan stands to face its most urgent humanitarian crisis in two decades. More than 80 percent of…

Women in the mainstream

Good decisions require good data to base them on, and this has been a challenge in the Merged Areas (MA) because historically it has been insufficiently studied and surveyed. A…

Supporting Afghan women

Since the Taliban took control of Kabul and the central government on August 15, efforts to support Afghan women have become extremely challenging. According to some prominent US feminists with…

Investing in women

Undaunted by initial criticism highlighting its usage as a buzzword or empty signifier, ‘gender’ has continued to gain traction during the past seven or more decades. Today, it is a…