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The challenges ahead

IT has been a year one would like to forget; a year when nothing has gone right. A rudderless government found it hard to navigate the choppy waters. It may…

Foreign policy challenges ahead

FIVE key areas will be the main focus of Pakist­an’s foreign policy in the year ahead. Relations with China and the US while navigating the Sino-US confrontation, dealing with Afghanistan’s…

Challenges: role of NEC & NDC — I

The biggest challenge faced by the State of Pakistan as defined in Article 7 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, not merely for governments in centre or provinces,…

New challenges

A recent movie 'Death to 2021' is a good satire about the significant events and challenges of 2021 – from the transition of power between Trump and Biden, the attack…

Institutional challenges

The majestic architecture of a state stands with the support of three main pillars, namely, Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary. The success and strength of a state consolidate when all these…

Kabul’s economic challenges

Perhaps out of pique or anger for what has seemed as an ignominious defeat suffered at the hands of the ramshackle Taliban, the US has frozen the nearly $9.5 billion…

FATF: challenges & solutions — I

“Since June 2018, when Pakistan made a high-level political commitment to work with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and Asia Pacific Group On Money Laundering (APG) to strengthen its…

Security framework

FOR most of its existence, Pakistan’s national security interests have been defined as protecting the country from India. During the last two decades however, factors such as internal discord epitomised…

Water challenges

WATER security has emerged as a sub-set of human security, raising serious concerns about peace, stability and moral and legal responsibility for coping with non-traditional security challenges that pose a…