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A brief history of our left: Part – II

In Pakistan, you are more likely to come across autobiographies of retired civil and military bureaucrats than from political activists and leaders. A majority of retired officers tend to spin…

Matters of sovereignty

Since achieving independence from British imperialism, some of our circles have been continuously claiming that Pakistan has not achieved absolute sovereignty and we are de-facto slaves of imperialist forces like…

No country for the poor

This is a great country to live in if you are rich. A vast army of the poor is there to serve you. Cooks to prepare your meals, maids to…

The power of the cult

In history, three thinkers have done more than any other to shock the world. The first was 16th-century astronomer Copernicus, who refuted the centuries-old geocentric view of the universe. Copernicus…

Against the tide

In Pakistan, change occurs at a snail’s pace, a stark contrast to Facebook’s (now Meta) ethos of ‘move fast and break things’. Instead, the prevailing approach could be described as…

Growth model needs to be long term

Pakistan has never achieved impressive growth rates in its history with the highest rate (average) achieved in the 1960s of 6.8 percent (attributed to the Korean War that enabled the…

Are provinces autonomous?

In 1919, the British Indian government introduced a dichotomous system of governance. It divided the functions of the government into two categories: reserved and transferred subjects. British officials were responsible…

Ending hopium—I

Is it time to implement manifestos, return to the drawing board under the shadow of a national government, maintain status quo or take prioritized measures to prepare Pakistan of 2047…