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A Most Harmful Loyalty

A most harmful loyalty

Being an interior minister in any government is not an easy task – that is, if you take it seriously. Thursday’s press conference by Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan showed how…

NAP – a mere talking point

It's been nearly three years when following the APS carnage the military launched operation Zarb-e-Azb in the terrorists-infested North Waziristan and leaders of all mainstream political parties put their heads…

The 2018 Elections As A 5GW Battlefield

The 2018 elections as a 5GW battlefield

To understand the depth of the wounds from the Peshawar assassination of Shaheed Haroon Bilour, the Bannu attack on Akram Durrani and the horrific massacre in Mastung targeting Shaheed Sajid…

Pakistan’s regional policy choices

There’s no shortage of irony in the fact that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s diplomatic snub at the US-Arab-Islamic summit coincided with a decidedly rough patch in Pak-Iran relations. While President…

Encouraging signs

The newly-elected US President, Donald Trump, during his election campaign had issued a number of controversial statements about Muslims. Moreover, just after taking charge, he issued a notification for the…

Pakistan: Yesterday And Today

Pakistan: yesterday and today

“No understanding of contemporary Pakistan is possible without an historical analysis of the first decade after independence, a period of relative flux in the institutional balance of power between elected…

It’s full of self-praise

The latest economic survey is more of PML-N tenure's report card; and it is full of self-praise. Taking the political motives out from the equation; the document was well-rounded and…

Lions Near The River

Lions near the river

In the nearly 200,000 years history of our evolution as modern, thinking species, one of the most significant turns came when, between 70,000 and 32,000 millennia ago, our language developed…

Two rallies and a sit-in

Two rallies and one dharna in one single day: is it a seasonal boil in national politics, or something more than that? Is it that the anti-government political forces tend…

Time to excise this sore

By now Pakistan must be a strong contender for the Guinness Book of World Records as the nation with the most own goals, the latest being the killing of Afghan…