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Anti-rape ordinance

THE global campaign, 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, from Nov 25 to Dec 10, is behind us. So, what did Pakistan gain from it this time? Easily the…

The war comes home

AS the members of the crowd that stormed the US Capitol on Jan 6 are being identified, a curious trend has emerged: several members of the mob were in fact…

A cycle of violence

On January 4, the incumbent president of the Central African Republic (CAR), Faustin-Archange Touadéra, was re-elected for a second term after the country’s electoral commission announced he defeated 16 other…

The recklessness of war crimes

The recent news of the Australian troops perpetrating alleged war crimes on civilians and combatants within Afghanistan sparked major outrage and uproar all over the world. Australia has been part…

Rape and the law

In a previous column (‘Reform the System’, Sep 18) on these pages, I had stated that severity of punishment alone does not stop criminals from committing sexual crimes; the real…

Cries for mercy

The Trump administration is engaged in a full-court press to execute as many people on federal death row as possible before Jan 20. Attorney General William P Barr has already…

Is Pakistan safe for women?

A common feature of coercion is the abuse of power to subjugate the rape victim, especially in situations where deprivation or dire consequences are threatened. Categories of rape can include…

Restorative justice

A CONSTANT stream of reports of violence against women and children has given rise to widespread outrage against impunity for such crimes and loud calls for accountability. There are, however,…

Women’s charter of demands

On the 28the of October this year, the women of Pakistan released a letter and Charter of Demands, which was addressed to the state of Pakistan, and copies of which…