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The new higher-ed reality

A few days ago, pharmacy students at Bacha Khan University Charsadda (BKUC) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa protested that, even after years, their programme has not been registered and accredited by the…

Indo-Pak trade restart?

Facing significant economic challenges, influential sectors in Pakistan are now examining the potential benefits of re-establishing trade ties with India. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were downgraded following India’s…

Climate-smart cities

WE must recognise the importance of adapting cities to climate change and develop a roadmap to achieve it. The world is rapidly urbanising because of the growing size and density…

Hundred days on

LURCHING from one controversy to another, the PML-N has marked 100 days in power. To ensure accountability and public welfare, one must regularly review the outcomes of all regimes via…

No place for medics

IT has been 13 years since the US raid on the Osama bin Laden compound. A CIA-operated fake vaccination drive was used to locate the Al Qaeda chief. The repercussions…

Neglected region

AFTER weeks of peaceful protests and sit-ins across Gilgit-Baltistan, two major de­m­ands of the demonstrators were finally accepted. The Pakistan government reluct­antly restored the wheat subsidy and suspe­nded the infamous…

Averting a catastrophe

THE Middle East is precariously poised on the brink of a full-blown regional war that has been widely feared for months. Israel’s assassination of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders and an Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander…

Presence of militants

THE recent cross-border infiltrations and operational strikes by terrorist networks operating from Afghanistan have raised concerns about the Afghan Taliban’s direct involvement in these attacks. A terrorist group cannot launch massive cross-border…

Alliance for change

We face many paths to doom today — both economic and security-related — but only a few paths to avoid it. But the state doesn’t adopt these paths as they…

Culpable for injustice

PAKISTAN is widely branded as the seventh country most affected by climate change. We call attention to our negligible contribution to global warming compared to other parts of the world. Yet, on…