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Prioritising nuclear stability

Open government assessments of the state of India-Pakistan deterrence are rare. A recent US intelligence overview considered a ‘general war’ between the two countries ‘unlikely’ although ‘heightened tensions’ remain a…

The masculinity of power

History, in a patriarchal society, is all about romantic indulgence with the past which is full of demons, fairies and witches to be overpowered by brave men ultimately. Bravery is…

Bankrupt power

The power sector is the foundation of an economy. Red alert: Pakistan’s power sector – sans government subsidies – is bankrupt. The real culprit behind this bankruptcy is: gross misgovernance.…

Nuclear ban

As a veteran concerned about issues of war and peace, I am happy to celebrate the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), the important new international peace…

UAE nuclear programme edges toward 2018 launch

At first glance, the long hallway seems abandoned. But behind glass walls, in soundproof offices, engineers and physicists are putting the final touches to the Arab world's first nuclear programme.…

Ban on nuclear weapons?

At the United Nations in July when the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty draft was put to vote for adoption, Pakistan, along with all recognised and non-recognised nuclear weapons states, was…

Lessons from the nuclear holocaust

This month of the year should prompt us into some sombre reflection, particularly in light of recent events and tragedies. On August 6, 1945, the US stunned the world by…

Attaining soft power in Pakistan: The road ahead

Pakistan possesses requisite hard power with sizeable territory, large population, fielding sixth largest army in the world and being the seventh nuclear power. Moreover, it also possesses sizeable paramilitary forces…

Power emergency

It has been reported that National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has asked the Prime Minister to declare a national power emergency and take drastic steps for scaling down about…