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A blind eye

THE film A Time to Kill (1996), derived from John Grisham’s best-selling novel, was set in the fictional town of Clanton in the southern state of Mississippi in the US.…

Disaster ahead

WE are heading towards a shipwreck. But there seems to be no realisation of the impending calamity, with the warring political forces refusing to pull back from the precipice. While…

Zille Shah was special indeed

YET another tragedy of our times. Political worker Ali Bilal, aka Zille Shah, a diehard Imran Khan supporter, has been killed, his broken, tormented body abandoned at the Services Hospital…

State of disarray

AS TV ratings and social media hits go, Pakistan’s unending game of thrones is second to none. The pitched battles between the authorities and PTI supporters outside Imran Khan’s residence…

The Younger Games

WHAT do Madonna and Iffat Omar have in common, other than the obvious gender? They were both victims of one of the last taboos that rears its ugly head every…

An inclusive assembly

Around the world, strong parliaments form the foundation of effective democracies and are the cornerstone of good governance. As the provincial assembly of Punjab embarks on a new chapter in…

Armageddon beckons?

IF someone were to say we have moved a step closer to the abyss, one can be certain there’ll be many critics who would accuse that person of indulging in…

Social protection in Pakistan

In Pakistan poverty levels have reached a high of 40 percent, equivalent to those in Sub Sahara Africa, and hence there is a compelling need for domestic and international stakeholders…

Protecting Punjab’s women

The law to protect women from violence was drawn up in 2015 by the PML-N government in Punjab. The draft was approved by the provincial cabinet, and subsequently passed unanimously…

Counting down to disaster

The national divide is getting worse as is the desperation in the ruling circles. The kind of rhetoric used by a tag team of government ministers is a sure sign…