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The Economic Agenda Of Imperialism

The economic agenda of imperialism

It has not been fully explored how imperialism promotes the economic interests of the West. The common perception is that the West’s political and economic agendas exist in separate spheres,…

IT For Economic Growth

IT for economic growth

Pakistan’s IT exports have underperformed by a factor of at least 20, standing at only $1 billion whereas Indian IT exports are over $130 billion while in the Philippines they…

PTI’s economic agenda

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) presented a list of actions during the first hundred days in power on 19 May with Asad Umer, Imran Khan's proposed Finance Minister, outlining the party's…

Some Tough Economic Questions & Answers

Some tough economic questions & answers

The Planning Commission is full of erudite and pedantic papers on our economy, prepared by successive governments, both political and military. A number of five-year and 10-year plans and long-term…

Revisiting macro-economic policy

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), in its recent First Quarterly Report 2019-20, has stated that the policy mix adopted so far, “appears adequate to address the macroeconomic imbalances and…

Economic impact of abolished zero-rating

One of the most detrimental aspects of the federal budget FY20 has been the elimination of SRO 1125 and the imposition of General Sales Tax of 17% on the previously…

Economics of wars

“All war is a symptom of man’s failure as a thinking animal,” John Steinbeck. Wars are dangerous, costly, destructive and inhuman. Yet history shows how they are a political indulgence…

Tackling Economic Woes

Tackling economic woes

The recent statement of Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Yao Jing augurs well for the debilitating economy of the country. The envoy while talking to the media recently in Quetta said…