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Development policies

In this new world order, the key for rapid socio-economic development lies in the ability of nations to manufacture and export high-technology and high value-added goods. Successive governments have failed…

Anatomy of a budget

The government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir presented a budget of Rs163.7 billion for the next fiscal year in the legislative assembly a few days ago. During the last few…

The FY23 budget and Fund approval

Pakistani administrations have become adept at presenting an annual budget to parliament with the required detailed documents (with respect to both projected expenditure and revenue), printed at considerable cost to…

A mini-budget or an annexure to budget?

For the first time in Pakistan’s chequered history additional revenue measures were annexed to the budget by a sitting government though the budget announced on 10 June has not yet…

A constrained budget

The federal budget of 2022-23 has been presented in a difficult and uncertain economic and political environment in the country. Foreign exchange reserves are at a very low level of…

FY23 budget: need for fiscal reforms

“He who wishes to serve his country must have not only the power to think but the will to act” – Plato The coalition government of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM),…

An unsustainable development model

Far be it from me to add to the reams of newsprint and hours of air time devoted to the federal budget 2022-23 presented by Finance Minister Miftah Ismail in…

Budget FY23 and IMF’s programme

“Among the most difficult problems faced by developing countries is that of balancing a budget that is swollen by the cost of development. This problem is enhanced both by the…

Budget 2022-23

The budget for 2022-23 is reminiscent of the unrealism of Miftah Ismail’s 2018-19 budget presented on 27 April 2017 (with accounting discrepancies including projecting a revenue rise of 13.4 percent…

Imperatives for FY23 budget

The federal budget for 2022-23 is to be presented by the coalition government on the 10th of June in the National Assembly. This budget has special significance for several reasons.…