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FBR, tax potential & enforcement — I

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has achieved the target of first eight months (July 2020 to February 2021) of the current fiscal year, which is commendable, especially when the…

Recouping tax losses judiciously — II

The issue before Supreme Court in Constitutional Petition 35 of 2016, Muhammad Hanif Abbasi v Imran Khan Niazi [PLD 2018 SC 189] was declaration of assets by Imran Khan held…

Informal banking: economic coercion

Pakistan is a country of contradictions. When we count the population for the purposes of allocation of seats in the assemblies and allocation of funds under the National Finance Commission…

Check-posts against white collar crimes

First, the medicine prices went through the roof. Next, it was the turn of Atta (wheat flour) and sugar prices, followed by “artificial shortage” of oil at a time when…

An insidious presence

There are fundamental questions of society that strike at the heart of Facebook’s business model that need more rigorous analysis than a couple of one-off company statements. Should a company…

‘We got it wrong, for sure’

While the political and military establishment of the United States grapples with the causes and consequences of its debacle in Afghanistan, we will have to contend with how Pakistan figures…

Voting systems and trust

The determination of the PTI government to introduce electronic voting machines (EVMs) has been visible since it came to power. It has now passed an ordinance allowing the use of…

Test case of political finance

THE regulation of political finance (PF) offers one of the greatest challenges to democracies around the world. Political parties, elected legislators and governments can become hostage to powerful and extremely…

E-voting: fools rush in

In a rousing, if dramatic, moment in the justly celebrated documentary ‘The Ascent of Man’, the mathematician and historian – and all else in between – Jacob Bronowski moves his…

The paradox of the Superior Services

It is that time of the year when around two hundred ambitious young men and women, as well as their families, celebrate their success in the Central Superior Services –…