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Budget Strategy Paper

Budget strategy paper

How will you define the budget-making process in Pakistan? The answer is: It is the same exercise of managing figures, plugging gaps, trade-offs and realignments of duty slabs, tariffs and…

Don’t Squander This Opportunity

Don’t squander this opportunity

Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) has identified Pakistan as an emerging market on its MSCI Emerging Market (EM) index as Pakistan Stock Market (PSX) has performed the best in Asia…

Privatisation: A Perspective

Privatisation: a perspective

"Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."-George Orwell: The federal government has announced its policy decision aimed at privatising state-owned entities (SOEs). This decision…

After Freedom What?

After freedom what?

Four years ago, on a leap day, a young man of 28 walked out of Haripur jail to his freedom. Now when he looks back at this great event in…

The Economy Of Terror Financing

The Economy Of Terror Financing

The ever-expanding size of the black economy, which is said to have outpaced the sluggish growth of our white economy by a significant margin, serves as the safest and securest…

The Truth About LNG Import

The truth about LNG import

No energy issue has invoked so much of public censer, controversy, media attention and confusion in the ranks of state functionaries and the energy managers in the public and private…

Learning Curve

Learning curve

Islam enshrines a love for knowledge probably unmatched by any other belief system. Popular Muslim belief subscribes to a search for knowledge even unto the ends of the earth: just…

Economic Outlook

Economic outlook

After reaching a peak in 2007 when Pakistan earned the distinction of being one of fastest growing emerging economies the last seven years recorded a downward trend for country's economy,…