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The Rupee Rollercoaster

The rupee rollercoaster

I first heard about it in the summer 2010, from Dr Ehtesham Ahmed, who had served as adviser to the executive director for Pakistan on the board of the IMF,…

Laundering One’s Sins

Laundering one’s sins

Had our politicians been like their Indian counterparts, they would have taken a dip in the waters at Attock (the confluence of the rivers Indus and Kabul) or at Panjnad…

Grand Delusion

Grand delusion

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is having its best year yet. Far from being a motley crew of terrorists, it has bombed, attacked and beheaded its way far past the signpost…

A Judicial Murder And Desperate Politicians

A judicial murder and desperate politicians

One has often heard Indian Muslim intellectuals warn that there isn’t much of a real difference between the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Their policies are essentially one…

Lahore Is Lahore

Lahore is Lahore

Everyone knows the love that Lahoris have for their city. It is similar to that of Parisians for Paris, Istanbulites for Istanbul and Emiratis for Dubai. Even when praying in…

The Parting Kick?

The parting kick?

In an editorial about the "long march" on Islamabad, and the approaching (really?) general elections, The Economist said the "transition would be historic: never in Pakistan's violent and unstable history…

Has The Allama Lost The Plot?

Has the Allama lost the plot?

Allama Tahirul Qadri is no ordinary person. He is a phenomenon. Look at his accomplishments.He is an outstanding scholar of international repute, far too intelligent than those who may like…

Smoke And Mirrors

Smoke and mirrors

One lie that changed our world was that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (December 1979) resurrected the old czarist ambition to extend Russian domination to the warm waters of the…

From High To Low Politics

From high to low politics

The American presidential elections have always suffered from a dichotomy. They are won and lost on the basis of the domestic agenda. However, the president’s legacy is shaped by foreign…

The Indo-Pak Tango

The Indo-Pak tango

What prevents India’s total domination over Pakistan? India is ahead of us in practically all indicators of national power potential – size, population, natural resources, economy and military. It outperforms…