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Remembering Qazi Hussain Ahmed

Remembering Qazi Hussain Ahmed

People who fight for a cause deserve praise. And someone with a lifelong commitment towards a cause is worthy of respect. Qazi Hussain Ahmed was one such person. He passed…

The Judiciary & Military

The judiciary & military

Is there a connection between the Supreme Court’s recent order against the prime minister in the rental power case and Maulana Tahirul Qadri’s long march? Is the “new anti-democratic establishment”…

New Bailout Package

New bailout package

The government, at the fag end of its tenure, has reportedly invited International Monetary Fund (IMF) for negotiating a three-year bailout programme. It is a rather surprising move, especially its…

Challenges And A Chance

Challenges and a chance

Everyday day, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police strive to save people from the terrorists` wrath. The department has lost 619 lives so far. Across the border in Afghanistan 1,555 policemen have…

The World In 2030

The world in 2030

What will the world look like in 2030? Can we predict the future based on current trends? Perhaps, to some extent. However, the United States National Intelligence Council (NIC) has…

Beyond Reform?

Beyond reform?

Since the start of World Bank funded Tax Administration Reforms Programme (TARP), FBR has been making tall claims about its automation efforts. All the chairmen of FBR, who headed the…