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No Country For Confusion

No country for confusion

THE results of the Pakistan elections should be far less important than the fact that elections are taking place. There will always be theorists who find comparisons between the past…

Fear Of The Recluse

Fear of the recluse

American friends are greatly irritated when others blame their country for so many ills of this world. But they cannot deny that it was the US that first released the…

America`s New Strategy

America`s new strategy

After a decade dedicated to the `war on terror` and two long and costly land wars, the US has already shifted strategic gears. It has left Iraq, mission largely unaccomplished;…

‘Security’ Via Appeasement

‘Security’ via appeasement

Pakistan is at war with itself on many fronts. It is not only a battle for its soul but also for its very existence. But the battle is already half…

Excise This Cancer Or Else

Excise this cancer or else

Recent events have been a reminder of what journalist Saleem Shahzad reported on May 27, 2011, even though he feared what was lurking round the corner for him. Writing for…

Tense Ties With US

Tense ties with US

The recent meeting of Nato defence ministers in Brussels has brought to light the sort of ideas the Obama administration is debating with Nato allies as it tries to meet…

From High To Low Politics

From high to low politics

The American presidential elections have always suffered from a dichotomy. They are won and lost on the basis of the domestic agenda. However, the president’s legacy is shaped by foreign…