Turkey’s IS test
The recent claim by Recep Tayip Erdogan, Turkey’s intrepid president, to go for the jugular of the militant Islamic State group in Syria, and take his fight against the terrorists…
The recent claim by Recep Tayip Erdogan, Turkey’s intrepid president, to go for the jugular of the militant Islamic State group in Syria, and take his fight against the terrorists…
Pakistan’s position as a country permanently stuck between rocks and hard places was further cemented last week when long-time strategic ally Saudi Arabia took the lead in isolating gas-rich Qatar.…
Last week, whilst Pakistanis watched their prime minister try to explain his wealth to an investigative commission, the US made a major decision with dramatic policy implications for Pakistan. President…
Two things I thought would never happen in my lifetime: driving the Pakistani Taliban (TTP) out of their Fata safe havens and bringing the MQM to heel. Both entities seemed…
On the invitation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Chief Minister Punjab Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif visited Istanbul from August 25-27 to attend the opening ceremony of the Yavuz Sultan Selim…
Part - II Random thoughts The population of the Muslim world is about 1.6 billion. If the present trend of population growth continues, there will be about 2.5 billion Muslims…
Part - I Random thoughts The Syrians and their country have been the victims of brutal aggression by Western countries, especially France, Israel, the US and the UK. It is…
A nemesis for Europe’s Christian kingdoms for centuries, Turkey was a natural source of inspiration to the Muslim world as a mighty sultanate-cum-caliphate. Misfortune fell upon the house of Othman…
In my column of June 13, I wrote about the Western propaganda against Turkey. The German Parliamentary Resolution branding the 1915-1916 Turkish action against those Armenians having collaborated with the…
With the world in a state of chaos, one is hardly able to absorb one major event when another explosion elsewhere totally distracts our attention. The truck attack on a…