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Western media and the war

THE brazen one-sided account of the conflict justifying Israeli aggression against Palestinians living in the occupied Gaza Strip has exposed the mainstream Western media’s claims of objectivity in reporting. Truth…

All that thunders

PERHAPS it was an overdose of news updates or just mental fatigue resulting from processing far too many stressful developments, but in the interest of transparency and openness one must…

The cross-border challenge

LAST week’s coordinated assault on an army garrison in Zhob was yet another grim reminder of the growing terrorist threat emanating from cross-border sanctuaries. The highest single-day casualties suffered by the security…

Dangers of escalation

ISRAEL’S war on Gaza continues despite rising international concern that the violence can escalate into a wider conflict in the Middle East. Meanwhile, the US role in the crisis has…

Ambiguous approaches

ONE cannot think that Pakistan’s strategists do not recognise the policy objectives they tend to follow in Afghanistan. But they might keep these objectives largely vague in the public domain,…

An exercise in futility

YET another bloodbath seems to have pushed the government to call an all-parties conference. The proposed conclave which has been postponed — once again — is meant to discuss the…

Mashal is waiting

MASHAL Khan was murdered by a mob of his fellow students six years ago. His loved ones still run from pillar to post seeking justice. But business as usual continues…

Revisiting the CoD

IN recent years, the Charter of Democracy has become the holy grail of our politics — perhaps even a term that, Camelot-like, denotes nostalgia for the golden years post-2008. No wonder,…

Pakistan’s economic potential

AS Pakistan approaches its 75th independence anniversary, it is sad to witness the economy again mired in difficulties. One could argue that it’s a global phenomenon, with Covid-19 and the…

Misplaced optimism?

PAKISTAN can take comfort in the decision taken by Iran and Saudi Arabia, after mediation by China, to restore diplomatic ties. Pakistan has long been struggling to maintain a balance…