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Fake news, Palestine, and local response

The situation in Palestine is horrifying. But at home there is considerable confusion about precisely what is happening and what should be said or done. In the first place our…

Virtual influencers: the new kids on the block

Virtual influencers are AI-generated characters that are modified to imitate people. They are made using various technologies like AI, 3D, modelling, and animation. In as much as they are computer-generated,…

Lock those books away?

Of the more soul-searing discoveries that I made about our contemporary cultural milieu on my trip to Lahore last week was this: no one under any circumstances is allowed to…

Build back the blocks

We have probably all seen a child, perhaps in a tantrum or by accident, knock over a pile of blocks in our lifetime. Today, Pakistan resembles the chaos left behind…

Politics in Balochistan

A tug of war over bagging the future coalition government in Balochistan has already started between the PPP and PML-N, leading to some confusion among electables over which one of…

The quagmire of local-law domestic debt restructuring

With collaboration from an investment professional. As is widely understood, Pakistan is facing the dual dilemma of foreign debt servicing that has placed her foreign exchange reserves under significant pressure,…