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How Lazy Nations Respond

How lazy nations respond

Once upon a time, not very long ago, speaking openly about Pakistan’s problems was considered impolite. Then suddenly, Gen Musharraf one day decided to fire a judge of rather ordinary…

Fear & Loathing In Awaran

Fear & loathing in Awaran

It was a surreal setting. The ruins of a village in Awaran, Balochistan, bathed in the light of the nearly full moon. A tiny mosque was the only structure, it…

A Drama Called Terrorism

A drama called terrorism

To borrow an idea from sociologist Victor Burner, terrorism in Pakistan has become a social drama. Almost every passing day offers something new, dramatic and unusual. Terrorists provide the lead…

The Documents But Not The Will

The documents but not the will

The dilemma is troublesome, if not acute. America offered a reward of $10m for information leading to the arrest of Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, leader of the Lashkar-i-Taiba, alias Jamaatud Dawa.…

Crawling out of the woodwork

Whatever else may transpire during the days ahead, the short-lived attempt at a ‘lockdown’ of Islamabad planned by Imran Khan has taught us many things. One of these is that…